Unlike other grocers, who tout the removal of one newly - banned chemical complex after another, our “never-ever” list is simple, logical, and most importantly, easy to understand.


That covers it for us. Almost everything truly harmful under the sun is out of our food, with those three magic sentences.

Let us explain:

Why don’t we stock products with seed oils?

At certain heat points, all oils eventually oxidize, turning them from healthful dietary components into chemical breakdowns known to become genotoxic and carcinogenic with repeated consumption. Seed oils oxidize at among the lowest heat points of all oils, making them particularly unhealthy for cooking. Additionally, seed oils are very high in Omega 6 fatty acids, which studies have shown can break down into eicosanoid, a by-product molecule that is linked with an increase in inflammation and blood pressure. There are so many oils that are more healthful – we opt to stock those instead.

Why don’t we stock products with refined sugars?

Refined sugar is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, and has been linked with high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, unhealthy weight gain, fatty liver disease, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Refined sugar is also a chameleon of food labeling, posing under a diverse array of names, from “high fructose corn syrup” to “natural cane sugar.” Natural, balanced sources of sweetness, from whole food sources, are all around us, and don’t pose the same threats to our health. We opt to stock products that prioritize those.

Why don’t we stock products with artificial ingredients?

There are so many problems with artificial ingredients – from artificial sweeteners to colorants to preservatives. Studies have linked them to everything from hyperactivity to endocrine disruption, hormonal imbalance, serious mental health issues, and carcinogenic effects – and as we learn more about them, it seems that we only learn more about the problems they cause. There’s also no need for artificial ingredients – we’ve been eating for all of history without them.

While we take the guesswork out of what it takes to create a healthier diet, we also want to educate you, our customer base, as much as possible about what goes into the food you’re eating – so you can make up your own mind. Knowledge is power!

Why don’t we stock products with seed oils?

At certain heat points, all oils eventually oxidize, turning them from healthful dietary components into chemical breakdowns known to become genotoxic and carcinogenic with repeated consumption. Seed oils oxidize at among the lowest heat points of all oils, making them particularly unhealthy for cooking. Additionally, seed oils are very high in Omega 6 fatty acids, which studies have shown can break down into eicosanoid, a by-product molecule that is linked with an increase in inflammation and blood pressure. There are so many oils that are more healthful – we opt to stock those instead.

Why don’t we stock products with refined sugars?

Refined sugar is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, and has been linked with high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, unhealthy weight gain, fatty liver disease, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Refined sugar is also a chameleon of food labeling, posing under a diverse array of names, from “high fructose corn syrup” to “natural cane sugar.” Natural, balanced sources of sweetness, from whole food sources, are all around us, and don’t pose the same threats to our health. We opt to stock products that prioritize those.

Why don’t we stock products with artificial ingredients?

There are so many problems with artificial ingredients – from artificial sweeteners to colorants to preservatives. Studies have linked them to everything from hyperactivity to endocrine disruption, hormonal imbalance,serious mental health issues, and carcinogenic effects – and as we learn more about them, it seems that we only learn more about the problems they cause. There’s also no need for artificial ingredients – we’ve been eating for all of history without them.